Personal DevelopmentThe American Dream


The power of a dream board


We too often forget our dreams. What really prevents us from achieving them?

One of my dreams was to live in the United States. This idea is in mind since my childhood, victim of the American propaganda with films and TV serials like: E.T, Terminator, Beverly Hills, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Friends etc.

In 2007, I put that dream aside choosing to stay in London by love rather than letting my free will to be manipulated by the image of those media; until my desire to explore the Great West resurfaced. So what prevented me to make that dream happen? The fear of losing my partner, and my job as an art director which I also dreamt about for years. But things were not the same anymore, everything stagnated. I had to dare to get into a new direction and relive from my forgotten dreams.

Then, in 2010 I ask my employers three months of unpaid leave, explaining my need to renew my creative inspiration in New York. They refuse, I resign, it’s that simple! I needed an excuse to take the plunge and move towards the new independent photographer lifestyle to which I aspired. My boyfriend, I haven’t let him really the choice, if he is the one, he would understand, accepting to wait for me.

My stay in New York was intense and magical. I was carried by a gentle and immensely powerful wave, meeting amazing people in the photography and film industries. Opportunities came one after another, all I had to do was to stay open to reach them out.

My return to London was surprisingly very painful, luckily I had the chance to have the arms of this man whom I loved so much, welcoming me as we promised to each other. For few years we tried to make our dreams coexist, by opening a Wing Tsun Kung Fu school together in Paris as I also dreamt since kid to be able to fight like Bruce Lee and Uma Thurman in Kill bill. But the constraint and the routine of this life style seemed far removed from my adventurer soul that I was slowing letting wither. I had to stop to knock me down with Jat Chi Chong Kuen and other fatal blow.

So in 2012, I returned to America a couple of weeks to attend the Missouri Photography Workshop. There I felt like having found a family, it was another amazing experience, I came back to London with an award as well as being offered the opportunity to take a master in that school. But I had to get sufficient funding and the only scholarship I could find was from France, providing that I come back to my native land after my study. He was out of the question!


The power of a dream board


I started to depress a little more day after days until I decided to get out of bed to play at the green card lottery dreaming without much hope to get the chance to live and work in America. It is the card you can see on my 2013 dream board above.

Meanwhile I had become unattractive crying to often without even knowing why. The man with whom I was hoping to spend the rest of my life with decided it would be better to end up our relationship. Nothing and no one could therefore hold me back. I put all my belonging into a storage, left London to travel the world working as an assistant/photographer, came back to Europe and bought a fitted van in which I have lived for one year (another of my dreams) until I received this email telling me that I had won the green card! It is from Los Angeles where I have been living the past 2 weeks now that I’m writing to you!

So why limit ourselves? Your turn to dream about the impossible, create your future, visualize it by making this dream board. Take a break, sit down and put together some images that inspires you to live certain experiences in harmony with others.

It is often when everything become dark that our star can shine again. It is only up to us to look up, eyes wide, waiting patiently our irises to dilate to be able to see the infinite amount of stars that are waiting for us to be discovered. 

I’m wishing all the best in the new world that you are going to make for yourself and love ones.

In short:

Put your dreams aside by love?!              > Follow your heart
Scared to loose your job?!                         > Take risk
Concession?!                                                > Give it a try
Carelessness?!                                             > Let it go
Depression?!                                                > Try the all out
Pending?!                                                      > Visualize
Dark?!                                                            > Magic



The Wander Woman

Une carrière de directrice artistique à Londres, et puis de photographe. Barbara quitte tout pour vivre dans un van aménagé et réaliser “LE COEUR DE FRANCE EN 80 JOURS”. Et puis elle gagne la green card à la loterie! Là voilà maintenant à Los Angeles sans trop savoir ce qu’y l’attend appart l’envie de concrétiser ses rêves.

Qui m’aime me suive!


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