

cyber trance tagada





In a previous article I talked about candies that our parents were teaching us to refuse from strangers. The fear of the other is formed very early, and therefore the deprivation of those wonderful things available to us. That is why we must later prepare ourselves and learn the rules of these other worlds to explore if we want to taste their flavours.

My attitude towards other is always very naive. This is something that I assume and claims. I try to offer a breath of fresh air and make exchange an authentic deed. But do not be fooled by appearances, I physically and mentally prepared for many years to this approach and the risks it may include to assume full responsibility, and not judge or accuse the other of possible slippages.

The weekend before my interview at the US Embassy in Paris, to validate my green card won the lottery, I was invited to a trance party in the middle of the field at Teyjat in Dordogne. I love those parties and I was hoping to add to “My heart of France in 80 days” this kind of experience. My only worry was to make sure to arrive in time in Paris.

My Drugs: music and fresh water. I agree then to bring back the person who had invited me to avoid any problems if we had to pass a police check.

Later in the night I met other people. One of them offered me a strawberry tagada. I have a principle in this kind of parties to always refuse food and drinks, but those little strawberry tagada looked so harmless. I asked the guy if nothing was put inside and took the strawberry in my hand, until another from the group warns me that there is a drop of LSD; I was about to swallow it!

Assuming that I would have managed to hit the road the next day to Paris, I’d have arrived at the medical visit with LSD in blood! Goodbye the American dream!

One of the girls who view what had happened  started to shout at her friend. I remained stoic, moralising would be pointless on my behalf. We return to dance all together. I always leave ONE chance. I knew the rules and the risks by coming here, it is my responsibility to not commit those mistakes which can be irreparable.

The morning before that party, I wrote this article about those candies offered by a stranger, in that same evening someone would offer me one! I took that as a sign to share with you this story. I encourage in my blog through my experiences, naivety, taking risks, and living, but not without preparation and knowledge of causes.

I will not let the demons of others deprive me of LIVE, DANCE all night until the morning light brought by the only energy of those cyber trance atmospheres parties and I will continue to love other despite all its defects to try to show him or her that he/she doesn’t need anything to be loved and feel alive.



The Wander Woman

J’abandonne tout pour dessiner sur la carte de France, en 80 jours un coeur, au volant de mon van aménagé,
tout en photographiant et en partageant les histoires des gens que je rencontre.
Qui m’aime me suive!




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